No Confessions
No Confessions at 6pm: 12/03, 12/05, 12/17, 12/19
No Confessions at 6pm: 12/03, 12/05, 12/17, 12/19
No Confessions at 6pm: 12/03, 12/05, 12/17, 12/19
We will have several priests visiting our parish to ensure everyone has the opportunity to receive God's mercy and forgiveness by participating in our Parish penance service on Tuesday, December 10 at 7pm. Childcare will be provided. Listed below are other penance services around our area. 11/21 Holy Vietnamese Martyrs - 7 PM 12/2 St. Stephen the Martyr - 7 PM 12/3 St. Oliver Plunkett - 7 PM 12/4 St. Lawrence - 7 PM 12/4 St. Michael - 7 PM 12/5 Mary Our Queen - 7 PM 12/6 St. Monica - 7 PM 12/9 Saint John Neumann - 7 PM 12/10 Prince of Peace - 7 PM 12/16 St. Patrick - 7 PM 12/17 Holy Cross - 7 PM 12/17 St. John Paul II - 7 PM 12/18 Christ Our Hope - 7 PM 12/19 St. Marguerite d’Youville - 7 PM 12/20 Corpus Christi - 7 PM
No Confessions at 6pm: 12/12
No Confessions at 6pm: 12/03, 12/05, 12/17, 12/19
No Confessions at 6pm: 12/03, 12/05, 12/17, 12/19
No Confessions at 6pm: 12/24