First Eucharist

Grades 6-12

Through the Sacrament of the Eucharist, we are able to more closely Encounter Christ together and be spiritually fed and strengthened to Live as Disciples in our world.

The Journey

Youth Sacraments sessions at Prince of Peace prepare students in middle and high school to receive the sacraments of Baptism and/or First Eucharist.

This journey of AT LEAST 2 consecutive years is a combination of age-appropriate faith formation, family meetings, and sacramental preparation. This allows teens time to learn their faith, have the desire to receive the sacraments and grow in their relationship with Christ and their parish community. Youth and parents’ participation at Mass is expected.

This registration does not include preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation. For more information on Youth Confirmation click here.


  • If your child is in their second consecutive year of the journey, please email Indira Armes for the next steps.
  • If your child is entering 6th grade and is just beginning year one of their journey, please continue to register below.
  • If your child is entering 6th grade and has completed one year of Faith Formation (POP Families) 5th grade in 2023/2024, please email Indira Armes for the next steps of the journey.

How We Do It

Foundation Phase

This time of at least a year takes youth on a journey to discover the richness of the Catholic faith

Family Meeting

After finishing the foundation phase to check where teens are on their faith journey. If ready, youth will move to the next phase.

Preparation Phase

This year includes specific sacramental preparation sessions, liturgical sessions, one-on-one meetings, and a retreat – during this time, teens go deep into the why for the sacraments they are receiving.

Family Meeting

At the end of preparation to check for readiness to receive the sacraments.


Registration for 2024-2025 is now open! Please click on the button below to begin your registration.