Event Series Nocturnal Adoration

Nocturnal Adoration

Chapel / Capilla

The Blessed Sacrament is exposed all night after the 5pm Saturday Mass and is reposed before the 7:30am Sunday Mass. Prayers are led in Spanish by the Nocturnal Adoration group, but everyone is welcome to join at any time throughout the night. Nocturnal adoration is a Catholic devotional practice where parishioners gather for prayer and worship before the Blessed Sacrament during nighttime hours. Learn more by clicking here.

Event Series Family Adoration

Family Adoration

Teaching your children to adore Jesus in the Eucharist is a gift they will never forget. Join us for our monthly Family Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Wiggly and giggly kids of all ages and their parents are invited to come and spend time with Jesus!

All are welcome to come for as little or as long as you can, but we ask, if you are able to make the commitment, to please sign up at the link below so we know that at least one family will be present to be a guardian for the Blessed Sacrament at all times.

Event Series Nocturnal Adoration

Nocturnal Adoration

Chapel / Capilla

The Blessed Sacrament is exposed all night after the 5pm Saturday Mass and is reposed before the 7:30am Sunday Mass. Prayers are led in Spanish by the Nocturnal Adoration group, but everyone is welcome to join at any time throughout the night. Nocturnal adoration is a Catholic devotional practice where parishioners gather for prayer and worship before the Blessed Sacrament during nighttime hours. Learn more by clicking here.

Event Series Family Adoration

Family Adoration

Teaching your children to adore Jesus in the Eucharist is a gift they will never forget. Join us for our monthly Family Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Wiggly and giggly kids of all ages and their parents are invited to come and spend time with Jesus!

All are welcome to come for as little or as long as you can, but we ask, if you are able to make the commitment, to please sign up at the link below so we know that at least one family will be present to be a guardian for the Blessed Sacrament at all times.

Building Closed Due to Weather Event

The National Weather Service is forecasting an extreme weather event this evening ahead of tomorrow's hurricane. Considering this information, we have made the decision to cancel all evening activities at Prince of Peace for tonight, Wednesday, Sept. 25th. All offices, meetings, and the Chapel will be closed at 5pm today. Thank you for your understanding. Please remain safe.

Building Closed Due to Weather Event

After prayerfully considering the incoming weather event, we have decided to suspend all building activities at Prince of Peace Catholic Church beginning on Thursday, September 26, at 4pm and will remain closed until Saturday morning, September 28, at 7:30am. ALL PARISH ACTIVITIES ARE CANCELED, including but not limited to: • Evening Thursday Confessions Mass • Morning Mass on Friday • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (will be suspended at 4pm on Thursday and will resume following 9am morning Mass on Monday, September 30th). The Blessed Sacrament Chapel will be open for private prayer on Thursday until 9pm and on Friday from 9am until 9pm. • The St Vincent de Paul food pantry (closed on Friday, September 27) Thank you for your understanding. Please remain safe.

Event Series Encounter


Join us this Friday for a day of Encounter 9am: Our day of prayer begins with Mass in English. 9:30am-7pm: After Mass, Father will expose the Blessed Sacrament on the main altar of the Church for silent prayer. Adoration will continue in the Church until 7pm. Parishioners, friends, ministries, and small groups are encouraged to visit and adore Jesus. 7pm: We will begin a special period of praise & worship, prayer & reflection, culminating with Benediction.

Event Series Nocturnal Adoration

Nocturnal Adoration

Chapel / Capilla

The Blessed Sacrament is exposed all night after the 5pm Saturday Mass and is reposed before the 7:30am Sunday Mass. Prayers are led in Spanish by the Nocturnal Adoration group, but everyone is welcome to join at any time throughout the night. Nocturnal adoration is a Catholic devotional practice where parishioners gather for prayer and worship before the Blessed Sacrament during nighttime hours. Learn more by clicking here.

Event Series Family Adoration

Family Adoration

Teaching your children to adore Jesus in the Eucharist is a gift they will never forget. Join us for our monthly Family Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Wiggly and giggly kids of all ages and their parents are invited to come and spend time with Jesus!

All are welcome to come for as little or as long as you can, but we ask, if you are able to make the commitment, to please sign up at the link below so we know that at least one family will be present to be a guardian for the Blessed Sacrament at all times.

Countering Planned Satanic Event in Atlanta

The Archdiocese of Atlanta was made aware that the satanic temple of Atlanta has scheduled a so-called Black Mass for Friday, October 25. This terrible sacrilege is a deliberate attack on the Catholic Mass as well as the foundational beliefs of all Christians. It mocks our Lord Jesus Christ, whom we Catholics believe is truly present under the form of bread and wine in the Holy Eucharist when it has been consecrated by a validly ordained priest. Archbishop Gregory Hartmayer is calling on all Catholics of the Archdiocese of Atlanta to face this attack to our faith through prayer, penance, and prayers of reparation. Join us on Friday, October 25, at 9pm at Prince of Peace for an evening of reparation through worship and prayer. The night will include the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and bilingual Praise and Worship. During this time, our priests will be available to hear confessions, reminding us that reparation also calls us to reflect on our own personal sins. Confessions will be heard inside the Church.

Nocturnal Adoration Anniversary

We warmly invite you to commemorate the 17th anniversary of Nocturnal Adoration on Saturday, November 2, from 10:30am to 6:00pm in the Youth Room. This special celebration will feature a time for reflection, Eucharistic Adoration, and dinner. Please note that the celebration will be conducted in Spanish only. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Cecilio at nocturnaladoration@popfb.org. To learn more about the Nocturnal Adoration devotional, please click here.

Event Series Nocturnal Adoration

Nocturnal Adoration

Chapel / Capilla

The Blessed Sacrament is exposed all night after the 5pm Saturday Mass and is reposed before the 7:30am Sunday Mass. Prayers are led in Spanish by the Nocturnal Adoration group, but everyone is welcome to join at any time throughout the night. Nocturnal adoration is a Catholic devotional practice where parishioners gather for prayer and worship before the Blessed Sacrament during nighttime hours. Learn more by clicking here.

Event Series Encounter


Join us this Friday for a day of Encounter 9am: Our day of prayer begins with Mass in English. 9:30am-7pm: After Mass, Father will expose the Blessed Sacrament on the main altar of the Church for silent prayer. Adoration will continue in the Church until 7pm. Parishioners, friends, ministries, and small groups are encouraged to visit and adore Jesus. 7pm: We will begin a special period of praise & worship, prayer & reflection, culminating with Benediction.

Event Series Family Adoration

Family Adoration

Teaching your children to adore Jesus in the Eucharist is a gift they will never forget. Join us for our monthly Family Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Wiggly and giggly kids of all ages and their parents are invited to come and spend time with Jesus!

All are welcome to come for as little or as long as you can, but we ask, if you are able to make the commitment, to please sign up at the link below so we know that at least one family will be present to be a guardian for the Blessed Sacrament at all times.

Thanksgiving Week 2024

Monday, November 25 • Regular schedule Tuesday, November 26 • Mass at 9am • No Confessions • Communion Service at 7pm • Adoration will end at 10pm Wednesday, November 27 • Mass at 9am • Adoration postponed (The chapel will remain open for silent prayer from 9am to 9pm) • Office and building closing at noon Thursday, November 28 (Thanksgiving) • Mass at 9am only (No evening Mass) • No confessions • Adoration postponed (The chapel will remain open for silent prayer from 9am to 9pm) • Building Closed Friday, November 29 • No Mass • Adoration postponed (The chapel will remain open for silent prayer from 9am to 9pm) • Building Closed

Event Series Encounter


Join us this Friday for a day of Encounter 9am: Our day of prayer begins with Mass in English. 9:30am-7pm: After Mass, Father will expose the Blessed Sacrament on the main altar of the Church for silent prayer. Adoration will continue in the Church until 7pm. Parishioners, friends, ministries, and small groups are encouraged to visit and adore Jesus. 7pm: We will begin a special period of praise & worship, prayer & reflection, culminating with Benediction.

Campus Reopened |Reapertura del Campus

Although cold temperatures and random icy roads conditions continue throughout north Georgia, the main roads around the church all appear to be clear. Therefore, Prince of Peace Catholic Church will reopen on Thursday, January 23, with our regular schedule of activities and events. If you choose to venture out, please proceed cautiously and put your personal safety first.

Aunque las temperaturas frías y las condiciones aleatorias de las carreteras heladas continúan en el norte de Georgia, las carreteras principales alrededor de la iglesia parecen estar despejadas. Por lo tanto, Prince of Peace Catholic Church reabrirá el jueves, 23 de enero, con nuestro horario habitual de actividades y eventos. Si decide salir manaña, le rogamos proceder con cautela y poner su seguridad personal como prioridad.

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