Prayer and Life Workshop (esp)

- Tuesday, 7:00-9:00pm, starting August 20 Do you want to learn to achieve silence and peace, to free yourself from anguish and fear? Come, learn to live, and attend a Prayer and Life Workshop! You are invited to join us on Tuesday evenings or Wednesday mornings for a Prayer & Life Workshop. During the 15-week workshop, participants will learn a practical method of prayer, learning to pray by praying. Through the practice of faith and surrender and as a result of praying, participants begin to heal the wounds of the heart and experience greater serenity. By contemplating the image of Jesus and imitating his characteristics, participants slowly begin to be transformed into a person more like Jesus. if you have questions, contact Carmela Trevino at 678-960-0069 or by email at

Prayer and Life Workshops (eng)

Tuesdays, 7-9pm, beginning August 6 Do you want to learn to achieve silence and peace? To free you from anguish and fear? Come, learn to live, attend a Prayer and Life Workshop! You are invited to join us on Tuesday evenings or Wednesday mornings for a Prayer & Life Workshop. During the 15-week workshop, participants will learn a practical method of prayer, learning to pray by praying. Through the practice of faith and surrender and as a result of praying, participants begin to heal the wounds of the heart and experience greater serenity. By contemplating the image of Jesus and imitating his characteristics, participants slowly begin to be transformed into a person more like Jesus. Questions: Carmela T. | 678-960-0069 |

Event Series Alpha Course

Alpha Course (zoom)

This Alpha Course will meet weekly on Tuesdays from 7:30pm-9pm via zoom. Alpha is a series of conversations about things we all question in life: Why do bad things happen to good people? What's the purpose of life? What's next? If you're looking for a judgment-free space to ask hard questions and share your own opinion, this is the place for you.

Event Series Prayer and Life Workshop (English Series)

Prayer and Life Workshops (eng)

Wednesdays, 10am-Noon, beginning August 7 Do you want to learn to achieve silence and peace? To free you from anguish and fear? Come, learn to live, attend a Prayer and Life Workshop! You are invited to join us on Tuesday evenings or Wednesday mornings for a Prayer & Life Workshop. During the 15-week workshop, participants will learn a practical method of prayer, learning to pray by praying. Through the practice of faith and surrender and as a result of praying, participants begin to heal the wounds of the heart and experience greater serenity. By contemplating the image of Jesus and imitating his characteristics, participants slowly begin to be transformed into a person more like Jesus. Questions: Carmela T. | 678-960-0069 |

Event Series Prayer and Life Workshop (English Series)

Prayer and Life Workshop (esp)

Fridays, 10am-Noon, beginning August 23 Do you want to learn to achieve silence and peace? To free you from anguish and fear? Come, learn to live, attend a Prayer and Life Workshop! You are invited to join us on Tuesday evenings or Wednesday mornings for a Prayer & Life Workshop. During the 15-week workshop, participants will learn a practical method of prayer, learning to pray by praying. Through the practice of faith and surrender and as a result of praying, participants begin to heal the wounds of the heart and experience greater serenity. By contemplating the image of Jesus and imitating his characteristics, participants slowly begin to be transformed into a person more like Jesus. Questions: Carmela T. | 678-960-0069 |

Funeral: Sandy Postel

Prince of Peace 6439 Spout Springs Rd., Flowery Branch, GA, United States

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Sandy Postel, who passed away on August 14, 2024.  Father Pete will celebrate a Mass of Resurrection on Friday, October 25 at 10:30am.

Event Series Priest Series: Sacrosanctum Concilium

Priest Series: Sacrosanctum Concilium

The Nature of the Sacred Liturgy and Its Importance in the Church's Life 2 Part Series | October 18 and 25 | 7-8:30pm Throughout history, the Catholic liturgy has been a public work of the faithful, an expression of the mystery of Christ and the nature of his Church. Our liturgy is not only the means through which our redemption is accomplished, but also builds us up and strengthens our ability to preach Christ. The liturgies of our faith have a rich and varied history, and experienced a significant renewal with the publication of Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, by the Second Vatican Council. Join us for a two-night class where our priests will discuss what the Council has to teach us about the liturgy, including the sacraments, the prayer of the Church, and of course, how we are all called to participate in the fullness of the traditions that have been passed down to us. For any questions, please contact Suzanne C. at 678-960-0056 or via email at

Countering Planned Satanic Event in Atlanta

The Archdiocese of Atlanta was made aware that the satanic temple of Atlanta has scheduled a so-called Black Mass for Friday, October 25. This terrible sacrilege is a deliberate attack on the Catholic Mass as well as the foundational beliefs of all Christians. It mocks our Lord Jesus Christ, whom we Catholics believe is truly present under the form of bread and wine in the Holy Eucharist when it has been consecrated by a validly ordained priest. Archbishop Gregory Hartmayer is calling on all Catholics of the Archdiocese of Atlanta to face this attack to our faith through prayer, penance, and prayers of reparation. Join us on Friday, October 25, at 9pm at Prince of Peace for an evening of reparation through worship and prayer. The night will include the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and bilingual Praise and Worship. During this time, our priests will be available to hear confessions, reminding us that reparation also calls us to reflect on our own personal sins. Confessions will be heard inside the Church.

Event Series Alpha Course

Alpha Course (In Person)

This Alpha Course will meet weekly on Tuesdays from  7:00pm to 8:30pm in person. Alpha is a series of conversations about things we all question in life: Why do bad things happen to good people? What's the purpose of life? What's next? If you're looking for a judgment-free space to ask hard questions and share your own opinion, this is the place for you.

Prayer and Life Workshop (esp)

- Tuesday, 7:00-9:00pm, starting August 20 Do you want to learn to achieve silence and peace, to free yourself from anguish and fear? Come, learn to live, and attend a Prayer and Life Workshop! You are invited to join us on Tuesday evenings or Wednesday mornings for a Prayer & Life Workshop. During the 15-week workshop, participants will learn a practical method of prayer, learning to pray by praying. Through the practice of faith and surrender and as a result of praying, participants begin to heal the wounds of the heart and experience greater serenity. By contemplating the image of Jesus and imitating his characteristics, participants slowly begin to be transformed into a person more like Jesus. if you have questions, contact Carmela Trevino at 678-960-0069 or by email at

Prayer and Life Workshops (eng)

Tuesdays, 7-9pm, beginning August 6 Do you want to learn to achieve silence and peace? To free you from anguish and fear? Come, learn to live, attend a Prayer and Life Workshop! You are invited to join us on Tuesday evenings or Wednesday mornings for a Prayer & Life Workshop. During the 15-week workshop, participants will learn a practical method of prayer, learning to pray by praying. Through the practice of faith and surrender and as a result of praying, participants begin to heal the wounds of the heart and experience greater serenity. By contemplating the image of Jesus and imitating his characteristics, participants slowly begin to be transformed into a person more like Jesus. Questions: Carmela T. | 678-960-0069 |

Event Series Alpha Course

Alpha Course (zoom)

This Alpha Course will meet weekly on Tuesdays from 7:30pm-9pm via zoom. Alpha is a series of conversations about things we all question in life: Why do bad things happen to good people? What's the purpose of life? What's next? If you're looking for a judgment-free space to ask hard questions and share your own opinion, this is the place for you.

Event Series Prayer and Life Workshop (English Series)

Prayer and Life Workshops (eng)

Wednesdays, 10am-Noon, beginning August 7 Do you want to learn to achieve silence and peace? To free you from anguish and fear? Come, learn to live, attend a Prayer and Life Workshop! You are invited to join us on Tuesday evenings or Wednesday mornings for a Prayer & Life Workshop. During the 15-week workshop, participants will learn a practical method of prayer, learning to pray by praying. Through the practice of faith and surrender and as a result of praying, participants begin to heal the wounds of the heart and experience greater serenity. By contemplating the image of Jesus and imitating his characteristics, participants slowly begin to be transformed into a person more like Jesus. Questions: Carmela T. | 678-960-0069 |

All Saints & All Souls Masses

All Saints Day (Holy Day of Obligation) • Thursday, October 31 | 7pm (Spanish) • Friday, November 1 | 9am, noon, 7pm All Souls Day • Saturday, November 2 | 9am

Event Series Prayer and Life Workshop (English Series)

Prayer and Life Workshop (esp)

Fridays, 10am-Noon, beginning August 23 Do you want to learn to achieve silence and peace? To free you from anguish and fear? Come, learn to live, attend a Prayer and Life Workshop! You are invited to join us on Tuesday evenings or Wednesday mornings for a Prayer & Life Workshop. During the 15-week workshop, participants will learn a practical method of prayer, learning to pray by praying. Through the practice of faith and surrender and as a result of praying, participants begin to heal the wounds of the heart and experience greater serenity. By contemplating the image of Jesus and imitating his characteristics, participants slowly begin to be transformed into a person more like Jesus. Questions: Carmela T. | 678-960-0069 |

Nocturnal Adoration Anniversary

We warmly invite you to commemorate the 17th anniversary of Nocturnal Adoration on Saturday, November 2, from 10:30am to 6:00pm in the Youth Room. This special celebration will feature a time for reflection, Eucharistic Adoration, and dinner. Please note that the celebration will be conducted in Spanish only. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Cecilio at To learn more about the Nocturnal Adoration devotional, please click here.