- Tuesday, 7:00-9:00pm, starting August 20 Do you want to learn to achieve silence and peace, to free yourself from anguish and fear? Come, learn to live, and attend a Prayer and Life Workshop! You are invited to join us on Tuesday evenings or Wednesday mornings for a Prayer & Life Workshop. During the 15-week […]
Tuesdays, 7-9pm, beginning August 6 Do you want to learn to achieve silence and peace? To free you from anguish and fear? Come, learn to live, attend a Prayer and Life Workshop! You are invited to join us on Tuesday evenings or Wednesday mornings for a Prayer & Life Workshop. During the 15-week workshop, participants […]
Wednesdays, 10am-Noon, beginning August 7 Do you want to learn to achieve silence and peace? To free you from anguish and fear? Come, learn to live, attend a Prayer and Life Workshop! You are invited to join us on Tuesday evenings or Wednesday mornings for a Prayer & Life Workshop. During the 15-week workshop, participants […]
Fridays, 10am-Noon, beginning August 23 Do you want to learn to achieve silence and peace? To free you from anguish and fear? Come, learn to live, attend a Prayer and Life Workshop! You are invited to join us on Tuesday evenings or Wednesday mornings for a Prayer & Life Workshop. During the 15-week workshop, participants […]