Event Series Family Adoration

Family Adoration

Teaching your children to adore Jesus in the Eucharist is a gift they will never forget. Join us for our monthly Family Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Wiggly and giggly kids of all ages and their parents are invited to come and spend time with Jesus!

All are welcome to come for as little or as long as you can, but we ask, if you are able to make the commitment, to please sign up at the link below so we know that at least one family will be present to be a guardian for the Blessed Sacrament at all times.

Community Baby Shower by the Little Flower Group

Join The Little Flower Group on Saturday, March 15, from 12pm to 3pm in the Youth Room for their Community Baby Shower, a special event to celebrate the gift of life! This free event is open to all expectant mothers who are at least 4 months pregnant or have a baby up to 1 month old. What to Expect: • Fun games and a photo booth • Helpful presentations and resources • Raffles and giveaways • Mental health support, postpartum care, and baby wellness • Refreshments for everyone Special Gift: All expectant mothers will receive a baby bag filled with clothes (sizes 3–6 months) and diapers. Baby items will also be distributed to all families attending. For more information, please contact Natalia R. at (470) 223-2253 or visit www.thelittleflowergroup.org.

The True Treasures of the Church

The True Treasures of the Church: An Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching Two-Part Series in English | March 20 & 27 | 7-8:30pm In this two-part series, Deacon Larry will be providing an introduction to Catholic Social Teaching focusing on the importance of working in those ministries of justice and peace. We will explore the background and development of social teaching and justice as provided in the Holy Scriptures and in the documents of the Church showing that social justice is not a concept developed during Vatican II but has its roots as far back as Genesis. We will discuss sin and its social dimension, especially its impact on those suffering or in need. We will look at the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching and how we, as Christ’s disciples, can work as citizens of the kingdom of heaven through participating in justice and mercy ministries and in community action. We will show that through our loving relationships with each other, especially those on the margins, we not only build a more just world but also deepen our relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. For questions, please contact Suzanne C. at 678-960-0056 or email suzanne@popfb.org.

Fridays in Lent

— Mass — Fridays at 9am Start your Fridays in Lent with Mass at 9am. Nourish your soul and walk closer with Christ this season. — Stations of the Cross — Fridays (March 7 - April 11) 9:30am (EN) & 7pm (EN/ES) Walk in the footsteps of Christ as we meditate on his journey to Calvary, reflecting on his ultimate sacrifice for our salvation. This Lenten tradition invites us to unite our sufferings with his. — Divine Mercy Chaplet — Fridays (March 7 - April 11) 3pm (EN) Join in the Divine Mercy Chaplet, a powerful devotion seeking God's infinite mercy. Through this devotion, we contemplate Christ's Passion and open our hearts to his healing grace as we prepare for Easter. — Lenten Dinners (Fish Fry) — Fridays (March 7 - April 11) 4:30pm - 6:30pm in the Youth Room Come together with family and friends for Fish Fry Fridays, a simple and meaningful Lenten tradition. Enjoy a variety of fish, homemade desserts, and fellowship. — Confessions — Fridays (March 7 - April 11) 9:30am-10:30am 6pm-6:45pm — Adoration — Fridays from 9:30am to 10pm Spend time in the presence of Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. Whether you come for a few […]

Event Series The Little Flower Group 2:42

The Little Flower Group 2:42

The Little Flower Group 2:42 is a group of women who are committed to following the teachings of the apostles, participating in fellowship, attending mass, and devoting themselves to prayer (Acts 2:42). Each year, they offer programs that provide an opportunity for women to come together for meaningful discussion, prayer, and mutual support. Their Small Group creates a welcoming space where participants can truly be seen and heard. This Lent, they will focus on “The Bible and the Virgin Mary”, a faith resource by FORMED, only in Spanish. Join The Little Flower Group 2:42 and learn why the early Church called Mary the "New Eve" and the "Ark of the New Covenant," and strengthen your devotion to Our Blessed Mother. Every Friday during Lent: • March 7, 14, 21, 28, and April 4, 11 • 6pm - 8pm | Room #5 For more information, contact Natalia R. at nataliaruiz2007@gmail.com or (407) 791-4929.

The True Treasures of the Church

The True Treasures of the Church: An Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching Two-Part Series in English | March 20 & 27 | 7-8:30pm In this two-part series, Deacon Larry will be providing an introduction to Catholic Social Teaching focusing on the importance of working in those ministries of justice and peace. We will explore the background and development of social teaching and justice as provided in the Holy Scriptures and in the documents of the Church showing that social justice is not a concept developed during Vatican II but has its roots as far back as Genesis. We will discuss sin and its social dimension, especially its impact on those suffering or in need. We will look at the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching and how we, as Christ’s disciples, can work as citizens of the kingdom of heaven through participating in justice and mercy ministries and in community action. We will show that through our loving relationships with each other, especially those on the margins, we not only build a more just world but also deepen our relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. For questions, please contact Suzanne C. at 678-960-0056 or email suzanne@popfb.org.

Fridays in Lent

— Mass — Fridays at 9am Start your Fridays in Lent with Mass at 9am. Nourish your soul and walk closer with Christ this season. — Stations of the Cross — Fridays (March 7 - April 11) 9:30am (EN) & 7pm (EN/ES) Walk in the footsteps of Christ as we meditate on his journey to Calvary, reflecting on his ultimate sacrifice for our salvation. This Lenten tradition invites us to unite our sufferings with his. — Divine Mercy Chaplet — Fridays (March 7 - April 11) 3pm (EN) Join in the Divine Mercy Chaplet, a powerful devotion seeking God's infinite mercy. Through this devotion, we contemplate Christ's Passion and open our hearts to his healing grace as we prepare for Easter. — Lenten Dinners (Fish Fry) — Fridays (March 7 - April 11) 4:30pm - 6:30pm in the Youth Room Come together with family and friends for Fish Fry Fridays, a simple and meaningful Lenten tradition. Enjoy a variety of fish, homemade desserts, and fellowship. — Confessions — Fridays (March 7 - April 11) 9:30am-10:30am 6pm-6:45pm — Adoration — Fridays from 9:30am to 10pm Spend time in the presence of Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. Whether you come for a few […]

Event Series The Little Flower Group 2:42

The Little Flower Group 2:42

The Little Flower Group 2:42 is a group of women who are committed to following the teachings of the apostles, participating in fellowship, attending mass, and devoting themselves to prayer (Acts 2:42). Each year, they offer programs that provide an opportunity for women to come together for meaningful discussion, prayer, and mutual support. Their Small Group creates a welcoming space where participants can truly be seen and heard. This Lent, they will focus on “The Bible and the Virgin Mary”, a faith resource by FORMED, only in Spanish. Join The Little Flower Group 2:42 and learn why the early Church called Mary the "New Eve" and the "Ark of the New Covenant," and strengthen your devotion to Our Blessed Mother. Every Friday during Lent: • March 7, 14, 21, 28, and April 4, 11 • 6pm - 8pm | Room #5 For more information, contact Natalia R. at nataliaruiz2007@gmail.com or (407) 791-4929.

Fridays in Lent

— Mass — Fridays at 9am Start your Fridays in Lent with Mass at 9am. Nourish your soul and walk closer with Christ this season. — Stations of the Cross — Fridays (March 7 - April 11) 9:30am (EN) & 7pm (EN/ES) Walk in the footsteps of Christ as we meditate on his journey to Calvary, reflecting on his ultimate sacrifice for our salvation. This Lenten tradition invites us to unite our sufferings with his. — Divine Mercy Chaplet — Fridays (March 7 - April 11) 3pm (EN) Join in the Divine Mercy Chaplet, a powerful devotion seeking God's infinite mercy. Through this devotion, we contemplate Christ's Passion and open our hearts to his healing grace as we prepare for Easter. — Lenten Dinners (Fish Fry) — Fridays (March 7 - April 11) 4:30pm - 6:30pm in the Youth Room Come together with family and friends for Fish Fry Fridays, a simple and meaningful Lenten tradition. Enjoy a variety of fish, homemade desserts, and fellowship. — Confessions — Fridays (March 7 - April 11) 9:30am-10:30am 6pm-6:45pm — Adoration — Fridays from 9:30am to 10pm Spend time in the presence of Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. Whether you come for a few […]

The Little Flower Group 2:42

The Little Flower Group 2:42 is a group of women who are committed to following the teachings of the apostles, participating in fellowship, attending mass, and devoting themselves to prayer (Acts 2:42). Each year, they offer programs that provide an opportunity for women to come together for meaningful discussion, prayer, and mutual support. Their Small Group creates a welcoming space where participants can truly be seen and heard. This Lent, they will focus on “The Bible and the Virgin Mary”, a faith resource by FORMED, only in Spanish. Join The Little Flower Group 2:42 and learn why the early Church called Mary the "New Eve" and the "Ark of the New Covenant," and strengthen your devotion to Our Blessed Mother. Every Friday during Lent: • March 7, 14, 21, 28, and April 4, 11 • 6pm - 8pm | Room #5 For more information, contact Natalia R. at nataliaruiz2007@gmail.com or (407) 791-4929.

Ladies’ Lenten Luncheon

Join us for the Lenten Luncheon Charity Fundraiser for Women on Saturday, April 5. Doors open at 11am, and the event begins at 11:30am. Guest speaker Tessa Sulimirski, Director of US Missions at Amigos for Christ, will reflect on “Gratitude/Gracias” using a devotional set from mission trips to Nicaragua. A Prince of Peace parishioner since 1994, Tessa has over 24 years of experience coordinating mission trips, helping more than 18,000 people answer God’s call to serve the poor. Enjoy a lunch buffet and dessert catered by Chicken Salad Chick. Fundraising activities include a 50/50 raffle and gift basket raffles. Tickets are $25 and available through Monday, March 23. All proceeds benefit the Columbiettes Charity Fund, supporting Prince of Peace ministries and our community. Nursery and translation services will be available. For questions or to donate a raffle gift, contact Jackie Falce at jax_falce@yahoo.com. Get your tickets today!

Fridays in Lent

— Mass — Fridays at 9am Start your Fridays in Lent with Mass at 9am. Nourish your soul and walk closer with Christ this season. — Stations of the Cross — Fridays (March 7 - April 11) 9:30am (EN) & 7pm (EN/ES) Walk in the footsteps of Christ as we meditate on his journey to Calvary, reflecting on his ultimate sacrifice for our salvation. This Lenten tradition invites us to unite our sufferings with his. — Divine Mercy Chaplet — Fridays (March 7 - April 11) 3pm (EN) Join in the Divine Mercy Chaplet, a powerful devotion seeking God's infinite mercy. Through this devotion, we contemplate Christ's Passion and open our hearts to his healing grace as we prepare for Easter. — Lenten Dinners (Fish Fry) — Fridays (March 7 - April 11) 4:30pm - 6:30pm in the Youth Room Come together with family and friends for Fish Fry Fridays, a simple and meaningful Lenten tradition. Enjoy a variety of fish, homemade desserts, and fellowship. — Confessions — Fridays (March 7 - April 11) 9:30am-10:30am 6pm-6:45pm — Adoration — Fridays from 9:30am to 10pm Spend time in the presence of Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. Whether you come for a few […]

Event Series The Little Flower Group 2:42

The Little Flower Group 2:42

The Little Flower Group 2:42 is a group of women who are committed to following the teachings of the apostles, participating in fellowship, attending mass, and devoting themselves to prayer (Acts 2:42). Each year, they offer programs that provide an opportunity for women to come together for meaningful discussion, prayer, and mutual support. Their Small Group creates a welcoming space where participants can truly be seen and heard. This Lent, they will focus on “The Bible and the Virgin Mary”, a faith resource by FORMED, only in Spanish. Join The Little Flower Group 2:42 and learn why the early Church called Mary the "New Eve" and the "Ark of the New Covenant," and strengthen your devotion to Our Blessed Mother. Every Friday during Lent: • March 7, 14, 21, 28, and April 4, 11 • 6pm - 8pm | Room #5 For more information, contact Natalia R. at nataliaruiz2007@gmail.com or (407) 791-4929.

Event Series The Little Flower Group 2:42

The Little Flower Group 2:42

The Little Flower Group 2:42 is a group of women who are committed to following the teachings of the apostles, participating in fellowship, attending mass, and devoting themselves to prayer (Acts 2:42). Each year, they offer programs that provide an opportunity for women to come together for meaningful discussion, prayer, and mutual support. Their Small Group creates a welcoming space where participants can truly be seen and heard. This Lent, they will focus on “The Bible and the Virgin Mary”, a faith resource by FORMED, only in Spanish. Join The Little Flower Group 2:42 and learn why the early Church called Mary the "New Eve" and the "Ark of the New Covenant," and strengthen your devotion to Our Blessed Mother. Every Friday during Lent: • March 7, 14, 21, 28, and April 4, 11 • 6pm - 8pm | Room #5 For more information, contact Natalia R. at nataliaruiz2007@gmail.com or (407) 791-4929.

Event Series The Little Flower Group 2:42

The Little Flower Group 2:42

The Little Flower Group 2:42 is a group of women who are committed to following the teachings of the apostles, participating in fellowship, attending mass, and devoting themselves to prayer (Acts 2:42). Each year, they offer programs that provide an opportunity for women to come together for meaningful discussion, prayer, and mutual support. Their Small Group creates a welcoming space where participants can truly be seen and heard. This Lent, they will focus on “The Bible and the Virgin Mary”, a faith resource by FORMED, only in Spanish. Join The Little Flower Group 2:42 and learn why the early Church called Mary the "New Eve" and the "Ark of the New Covenant," and strengthen your devotion to Our Blessed Mother. Every Friday during Lent: • March 7, 14, 21, 28, and April 4, 11 • 6pm - 8pm | Room #5 For more information, contact Natalia R. at nataliaruiz2007@gmail.com or (407) 791-4929.

The Little Flower Group 2:42

The Little Flower Group 2:42 is a group of women who are committed to following the teachings of the apostles, participating in fellowship, attending mass, and devoting themselves to prayer (Acts 2:42). Each year, they offer programs that provide an opportunity for women to come together for meaningful discussion, prayer, and mutual support. Their Small Group creates a welcoming space where participants can truly be seen and heard. This Lent, they will focus on “The Bible and the Virgin Mary”, a faith resource by FORMED, only in Spanish. Join The Little Flower Group 2:42 and learn why the early Church called Mary the "New Eve" and the "Ark of the New Covenant," and strengthen your devotion to Our Blessed Mother. Every Friday during Lent: • March 7, 14, 21, 28, and April 4, 11 • 6pm - 8pm | Room #5 For more information, contact Natalia R. at nataliaruiz2007@gmail.com or (407) 791-4929.