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Emmaus Retreat

EMMAUS: Men Retreat in Spanish Aug 9-11 | King’s Retreat | Spanish Only The Emmaus Retreat is for people over the age of 21 who are seeking to grow in their relationship with Christ, regardless of their current level of faith and practice. It is a Catholic retreat open to people of all Christian faiths. This is a retreat led by laymen like yourself, who have experienced the retreat in the past. Don't miss this opportunity to make the journey on the Emmaus Road. Register: | 404-626-5133

Save Lives this Summer!

The Blood Connection (TBC) will be hosting a blood drive at Prince of Peace on Sunday, August 11, from 9am to 5pm. TBC will donate $25 per donor to our Send a Kid to Camp program for next year, and donors will receive $25 in reward points redeemable for eGift cards in the TBC store. Please sign up!