ministries &
Support groups
Whether you’re seeking a way to serve within a ministry or looking for support during a challenging time in your life, rest assured, Prince of Peace is here to help you.
Provide religious education and spiritual formation to children, youth, and adults, typically through faith formation programs, catechetical instruction, and sacramental preparation.
Involve individuals serving in specific roles during Mass or other liturgical celebrations to facilitate and enhance the worship experience. Also, includes ministries serving the sick and homebound.
Foster community, spiritual growth, and support among its members, typically including social events, hospitality, and initiatives promoting fellowship and engagement.
Offer compassionate guidance, spiritual and encouragement for individuals facing various challenges or seeking mutual assistance within the framework of Catholic teachings and values.
Faith Formation

Christian Initiation
Christian Initiation (CI) team members work with the director and other team members in helping accompany and catechize those who are in the CI process. A CI team member feels a call to minister in evangelization and education of new members of our faith, and is able to make some time commitment to the process.
Suzanne C.

POP Families & First Eucharist
Join us on this incredible journey where we get to travel alongside children and their families while they discover the truth, goodness, and beauty of God. This ministry primarily serves children (grades K-5) and their parents as they seek to grow in their faith as well as children who are preparing to receive their First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
Learn more about POP Families at
Taylor Z.

Youth Ministry & Confirmation
One major factor that Youth Ministry cannot live without is its volunteers. We invite you to join us on this incredible journey as we accompany teens (grades 6-12) in discovering the truth and goodness of the Good News, while also preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Learn more about Youth Ministry at

Youth Sacraments
Youth Sacraments sessions at Prince of Peace prepare students in Middle and High School (grades 6-12) to receive the Sacraments of Baptism and/or First Eucharist. This journey is a combination of age-appropriate faith formation and sacramental preparation. It will enable youth, along with their families, to enter into a relationship with God and share in the life of their identity as Children of God.
Learn more about Youth Sacraments:
First Eucharist
Indira A.

Adoration Guardians
This special commitment entails dedicating just one hour of your time each week to join us in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.
Please consider taking up this important role as we seek to draw closer to God through prayer, reflection, and reverence. Your participation will undoubtedly bring blessings not only to yourself but to all who encounter the grace of Adoration.
Learn more about Adoration at
Contact Info:
Bob B.

Altar Servers
Altar servers attend to the altar and assist the clergy during Mass and other liturgies. Boys and girls who have received First Holy Communion are welcome to serve after they have attended the necessary training. Being an altar server is a privilege and should be conducted at all times with great reverence.
Contact Info:
Deacon Larry

Art & Environment
The Art and Environment Ministry serves to enhance and beautify the worship space. Decor and floral arrangements within the worship space contribute significantly to our liturgies. Their objective is to create an environment that will draw people into worship.
Contact Info:
Claire W.

Bereavement Ministry
The Bereavement Ministry assists families that would like a reception following a funeral or memorial service. Its members prepare food and assist with set-up, serving, and clean-up of the reception area.
Contact Info:
Phyllis P.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The need for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) initially grew out of the shortage of priests during the 1970s. It has grown to become a very vital part of the celebration of the Eucharist. Imagine if the priest and the deacon distributed Communion alone. In a parish as large and vibrant as Prince of Peace, this would be a great challenge! As such, it takes many of our EMHC volunteers to achieve this awesome task each week. EMHC must have a deep devotion to Christ’s presence in the Eucharist, and a desire to “feed” the People of God with the Bread of Life.
Contact Info:
Ingrid B.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Homebound
Have you ever wondered why our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Homebound are dismissed before Mass ends? Liturgically, we are “extending” the Communion Rite out beyond the walls of the Church to literally reach those who are unable to attend Mass. It is a profoundly beautiful moment. The Church is saying, before we go our separate ways, we will take care of the homebound.
Contact Info:
Dennis D.

Hospitality Team
Hospitality Team Ministers (HTM) are the very first impression that parishioners and visitors receive at Prince of Peace. Our “HTM” greets each person who enters the Church and, if necessary, helps them to find a place to participate in the Mass. The HTMs help ensure everything flows smoothly during the Mass.
Contact Info:
Cindy T.

Hospital Ministry
The Hospital Ministry, through the Body of Christ, brings the presence of our Lord to sick individuals. A trained hospital minister listens with his/her heart and has an attentive ear without offering advice. Structure, policy, and procedures are explained so a minister will be knowledgeable and comfortable when visiting the sick.
Contact Info:
Deacon Jack

Lectors proclaim the Word of God! When Scripture is read at Mass, God himself speaks to his people through voice, presence, and actions of the lector. Lectors spend additional time in preparation for reading at Mass, studying the Scriptures and analyses of the same. Prayer and study are essential elements of the lector’s duties.
Contact Info:
Inge L.

Martha & Mary
So much goes on “behind the scenes” at Mass…and much of this work is done by the members of our Martha and Mary Ministry! They take care to ensure that our linens are clean and fresh…this is especially important as great care must be taken to safeguard against profanation of the Eucharist… even the tiniest particle of the Eucharist is, in fact, “the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord. In addition, our volunteers take care to replace the candles as needed, and assist in the cleaning and maintenance of our vestments.
Contact Info:
Ann M. & Jennifer N.

Music Ministry
Make a “joyful noise unto the Lord” (Psalm 100). Volunteers not only provide music for Sunday Mass, but also for Holy Days, Encounter Nights, and in support of the Sacraments. In addition, our “Resurrection Choir” provides uplifting music for those who are mourning the death of a loved one. The role of the Music Minister is to lead the congregation in prayer and worship!
Contact Info:
Bob Barry

The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) describes the Sacristan role as the volunteer who “carefully arranges the books, the vestments, and other things necessary in the celebration of the Mass”… but that only tells part of the story! The Sacristans are the ones who ensure that everything and everyone is in place for the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice.
Contact Info:
Ingrid B.

Sponsor Couples
This ministry works with engaged couples to assist them with life-long communication skills to help them live out their vocation of marriage. Sponsor Couples also offer marriage workshops to help enhance marriages.
Contact Info:
Sandy G.

Technical Arts (Audio/Visual)
Helping to keep everyone engaged in the liturgy is the auspicious job of our Technology Arts crew, who provide graphic support during Mass to allow “full and active” participation of the faithful. In addition to projecting the prayers and lyrics and working the soundboard, Technology Arts volunteers ensure we are well-informed of the events at Prince of Peace via Mass slides and video support.
Contact Info:
Robert Basilio

Wedding Coordinators
Wedding Coordinators work with couples that have chosen our Church as the location to host their marriages. After working with a priest and securing a date with the parish office, Coordinators assist the bride and groom with planning rehearsals and logistics of the wedding day. A Coordinator is on site the day of the wedding to handle any parish-specific details for the couple and to provide any assistance to them.
Contact Info:
Parish Life

Baptismal Blankets
This Ministry is a group of parishioners that make car seat blankets to gift to the children who are baptized.
Contact Info: Marge D.

Card Ministry
Greeting Card Ministry members create and assemble “Thinking of You” cards for our parish’s homebound population. We currently send out between 75 – 80 cards per month. Our ministry also creates cards for Baptisms, Weddings, and for special occasions requested by the church. “If you can color, cut, and paste, we’d love to have you!”
Contact Info:
Karen J.

The Columbiettes promote the welfare of our Knights of Columbus. Its members assist in Catholic activities, participate in community, civic, and worthy charitable undertakings, and promote intellectual, social, and spiritual interaction among its members. This is open to practicing Catholic women who are at least 18 years old.
Contact Info:
Lorene P.

Cross Bearers
Mission Statement: Bringing the love of Jesus to all we encounter, especially the poor, homeless, veterans, and those imprisoned on the streets and institutions.
Do you have a servant’s heart? Are you searching for ways to make a meaningful impact on Tuesdays or Wednesdays? Join us in serving and experiencing the presence of Christ while reaching out to the most vulnerable members of our community. We invite you to share the gift of your time with us as we:
• Collect fresh bread on Tuesdays in Gainesville and transport it back to the Prince of Peace kitchen between 10:30am and 12:30pm. The timing is flexible but generally falls on Tuesdays.
• Cook for those in need on Wednesday from 8:15am to 11am.
• Deliver hot meals and sandwiches on Wednesday from 11:00am to 12:00pm to ten of our partner organizations in Hall County and the surrounding areas, extending our outreach from Prince of Peace to Gainesville.
• Serve hot meals to the homeless at a shelter in Gainesville on Wednesday from 11:30am to 12:45pm.
If you feel called to make a difference and are available during these times, we welcome your support and participation in our efforts to spread compassion and hope within our community.
Contact Info:
Daniel L.

Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus provide members and their families with volunteer opportunities to serve the Catholic Church, their communities, families, and young people. Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to practicing Catholic men who are at least 18 years old.
Contact Info:
Dan W.

Men's Club
The Men’s Club hosts social and service opportunities for all men in the parish. Take the lead in parish activities such as Lenten Suppers, pancake breakfasts, parish picnics, golf outings, etc.
Contact Info:
Craig D.

Photography Ministry
Are you looking for a flexible way to serve our parish? Join our Photography Team! And help us capture God’s work in our parish. You do not need to be a professional photographer. All that is required is a willing heart and a desire to serve.
Once registered, when help is needed, photographers are contacted by email and are provided with a digital signup sheet to sign up for the time slot most convenient to their schedule.
Contact Info:
Teresa E.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry brings people together to produce prayer shawls that are given away for various reasons, such as grief or illness. A prayer shawl is created with its maker saying prayers for the recipient. At monthly meetings, the members pray together for the recipients and requesting parties. A final blessing is obtained from a priest. Ministry is open to anyone who likes to knit or crochet.
Contact Info:
Ginie H.

Rosary Makers
True to its name, this ministry makes rosaries. Please join us in honoring our Blessed Mother by participating and using your gifts to benefit the prayer life of your fellow parishioners.
Contact Info:
Donna F.

Sandwich Ministry
Each week, on Wednesday, members of our church community gather to make sandwiches, which are provided for distribution to 11 partners throughout the local area. These partners then distribute to the homeless/needy in our area. We’d love your help! If you would like to help make sandwiches, or help deliver them, please reach out.
“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” Matthew 25:40
Contact Info:
Sinead S.
Parish Life Support Groups

Amigos for Christ
Amigos for Christ facilitates leadership, water, health, education, and economic development in rural Nicaraguan communities. Our mission is to serve to make Christ more visible. In the last 25 years, AFC has served over 40,000 people, drilled nearly 300 wells, and hosted nearly 20,000 American volunteers on mission trips. We are guided by the example of Jesus and a deep desire to facilitate life transformation for families and communities.
Contact Info:

Grief Share
Grief Share is for anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one and is grieving. Prayer, support and encouragement help facilitate the healing process. A bond of compassion and understanding is formed with others who are grieving.
Contact Info:
Marietta H.

Holy Family Counseling
Holy Family Counseling comprises Catholic therapists of varying backgrounds who have come together to aid those who wish to receive counseling and psychotherapy that will not compromise their personal value system.
We provide counseling from a Catholic Christian perspective for couples, individuals, and families, placing value on the dignity of the individual and marriage as well as the family.
Contact Info:

Pregnancy Aid Clinic
At the Pregnancy Aid Clinic (PAC), we recognize that women have a right to make their own decisions about the outcome of their pregnancy and their sexual health. We are here to help women and their partners make informed and thoughtful decisions.
Contact Info:

PATH offers hope and healing for those who have undergone an abortion. Our method is personal, compassionate and non-judgemental. If you are suffering, please be assured that our trained volunteer facilitators will help you find a peace of heart. We will help you face your guilt, anger, isolation and sadness, and help you reconnect with yourself, others, and God.
Contact Info:

St. Vincent de Paul
The St. Vincent de Paul Society engages in works of mercy, helping those in distress with food, clothing, and shelter. Trained members quietly and confidentially assist their clients who have called in on the SVDP telephone line. Home visits assess individual situations. The organization oversees the allocation of financial resources provided through monthly parish collections and other donations.
Food Bank
Wednesday & Friday: 10:30am – 1:30pm
Help Line
Monday – Wednesday:
9am – 2pm

Prayer Chain
Prayer Chain provides prayerful support to anyone in need of prayers. People call in with a specific need and their request for prayer is passed on. Over 50 people serve in this Ministry and make up 10 prayer chains.
Contact Info:
Daniel W.

Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry is a one-on-one caring ministry for people struggling with a difficult time in their life. Examples of such times may include grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness or other life crisis. These can be short-term or long-term situations. Stephen Ministers are lay people trained to provide individual, confidential, Christ-centered support as they walk with individuals during this time.
Contact Info:

The Little Flower Group
The Little Flower Group is dedicated to offering children’s basic needs to parents and families without cost. Our mission is to transform our culture of giving and receiving to safeguard every child’s basic needs through charity, life-changing experiences, and education. Please visit our website and complete the assistance request form to receive children’s items. You can drop donations as well. Or, if you are being called to serve, please stop by! Volunteers are always welcome!
Contact Info:

The Way
The Way is a free, 3-day guided meditation and prayer program for men and women who are survivors of abuse. It is an opportunity for healing and prayer and for survivors to reflect on God’s plan for their lives.
The Way for Women
The Way for Men