Whether its your weekly support in our offertory or its a one time donation, online giving is the convienent way to support the mission of Prince of Peace. You can set up online giving through your financial institution (online bill pay) or by creating an account with our secure giving platform

Giving Options
Give a One-Time Gift
Choose a Specific Fund or Cause
Stocks & Securities
Donations of appreciated stock or securities are ways of giving that may have tax benefits for you in the deferral of capital gains. We also advise discussing with your investment advisors on how to best utilize this option of support. For questions, please contact Deacon David Screckenberger at
Memorials & Gifts
Memorial bricks which are great gifts to honor a loved one, remember a spiritual event or simply support the church that means so much to you, a friend or a loved one! Commemorative bricks and memorials are availalbe through the parish. For questions, please contact Deacon David Screckenberger at
If you have questions about additional options to support our mission or ideas on how you may uniquely support the movement of the Holy Spirit at Prince of Peace please contact Deacon David Screckenberger at