Funerals &
in memoriam
Sacramental Emergencies: (678) 960-0040 (option 1)
The Real Purpose of Funerals
Funerals are meant to help us cope with the loss of a loved one, but that is only one of many deeper purposes they serve. In this video, Fr. Mike shares the wisdom of the Church in making funerals a time to recall God’s mercy, and pray for the faithful departed.
Upcoming Funerals
Funeral: Rodney Hamilton
Funeral: Rodney Hamilton
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Rodney Hamilton, who passed away on January 7, 2025. Father Ignacio will celebrate a Mass of Resurrection on Thursday, January 23 at 11am.
In Memoriam
Contact Us
Please contact Ana Correa for funeral and memorial service preparations or for advanced funeral planning at Prince of Peace.
Ana Correa
Worship Coordinator
678-960-0054 |
POP Funeral Mass Checklist
POP Funeral Mass Readings
- Masses for the Dead – Readings from the Old Testament | USCCB
- Masses for the Dead – Readings from the New Testament | USCCB
- Masses for the Dead – Responsorial Psalms | USCCB
- Masses for the Dead – Gospels | USCCB
- Suggested Responsorial Psalms and Hymns
Prayers for Death and Dying
Overview of Catholic Funeral Rites
Bereavement and Funerals