Contact Us

if you have any questions or inquiries, a member of our staff will be happy to help you. Feel Free to contact us by phone or email and we will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible. 

Parish Office

Monday – Friday
9:30am – 12:30pm
1:00pm – 4:00pm

(678) 960-0040

Sacramental emergencies

For Sacramental Emergencies
after office hours,
please select option 1.

(678) 960-0040

PRAYER Requests

Email us or write your prayer requests in our prayer book on the podium outside the worship space.

Campus Closed |Campus Cerrado

Due to the winter storm and hazardous roads in Hall County, our campus will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, January 22. All campus activities are suspended. We plan to reopen Thursday, January 23, weather permitting.


Debido a la tormenta invernal y las condiciones peligrosas de las carreteras en el condado de Hall, todo nuestro campus permanecerá cerrada mañana, miércoles 22 de enero. Todas las actividades en el campus quedan suspendidas. Planeamos reabrir el jueves 23 de enero, si las condiciones del clima y las carreteras mejoran.

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