capital campaign 2023
Always forward in faithThanks to the generosity of more than 700 families we have exceeded our goal of $2,000,000 and construction has started!
Due to ongoing construction on our church campus, you may notice significant changes in the traffic flow in our parking lot. Please be vigilant and follow the new directional signs to minimize backups and ensure everyone’s safety.
Thank you for being part of our 2023 Capital Campaign, ALWAYS FORWARD IN FAITH!
Now that the Hall County work on Spout Springs Road and the adjacent Elizabeth Lane has been completed. There are three projects we hope to undertake with your generous help. They are as follows:
Project 1: Sewer connection
Connection into the existing county sewer system that was not available 18 years ago when the parish was moved from Buford to our new campus in Flowery Branch. The new campus has utilized a septic system for these 18 years. The system has had several expensive repairs over the past few years. Complete replacement will be required if not retired soon.
Project 2: New entrance/exit
Department of Transportation approval has been obtained to add a new entrance to our campus on the newly rerouted Elizabeth Lane. During the recent road project, Elizabeth Lane was moved to align with the Sterling on the Lake main entrance. The newly directed road now touches our property line and we now have access that we did not previously have. This allows us the opportunity to add a second entrance / exit which will ease the traffic flow during high volume times. This will also allow for a safer option when leaving the property instead of the left turn onto Spout Springs Road from the property.
Project 3: Paving gravel parking lots
Paving the two gravel parking lots results in increased parking capacity and safer, more comfortable walking to and from the church and education spaces.

Our Heavenly Father,
We thank you for all the blessings You have bestowed on our parish family.
May our lives reflect Your faithfulness and witness to Your unfailing love. Guide us in our work together, that all we do may be for Your glory.
Send Your Holy Spirit upon us and open our hearts to generously respond to Your call. Keep us ever mindful of the mission and purpose of our parish. As we begin this new campaign, help us to make our space even more welcoming and inviting to all who enter our doors.
We come to You “Always Forward in Faith” through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Prince of Peace.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much will these projects cost?
$2 million is what we are estimating. Preliminary estimates based on 30 day quotes start at 1.25M, but do not include retention pond updates, street lights and landscaping for the new entrance.
Is this campaign an all or nothing plan or is it possible to complete only some of the projects?
It is most cost effective to do all at the same time.
Do I need to contribute now?
No, we only need your written commitment or pledge for Archdiocesan approval. Contributions can be made in accordance with your schedule over a three-year period.
Can I use stock for my contribution?
Absolutely; please contact so we can coordinate that with you.
I have an IRA that I would like to use but I am not yet ready to make the withdrawal. Can I wait?
Yes, you can make your contribution at end of the year or whenever you are ready.
Can I bring my pledge to Mass?
Sure, there is a lockbox in the narthex against the center wall. (Ask a hospitality minister if you can’t find it.) Or you can place it in the collection basket.
How do I keep my offertory and capital campaign separate for record keeping purposes?
Please identify your contribution as CC2023.
Does the Archdiocese provide financial support?
The Archdiocese provides support in the form of an assessment waiver for all funds received for the Capital Campaign.
Is there still a possibility of a Catholic School coming to Prince of Peace?
The Archdiocese school board is still in the process of assessing viability of brining a Catholic School to Hall County. The Prince of Peace campus is one of the locations being considered for a school. We are expecting the board to provide us with an update on progress this fall.